姓 名:李慧娥
性 别:女
职 称:教授
系 别:园艺
邮 箱:heli@gzu.edu.cn
2007.09-2008.09 美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland)生命学院公派留学
1997.09-2001.07 西北农林科技大学园艺学院,获学士学位
2021.12-今 raybet最佳电子竞技平台,教授,硕士生导师,观赏园艺学科负责人
2015.12-2021.12 raybet最佳电子竞技平台,副教授,硕士生导师
2014.09-2015.12 西藏大学农牧学院,副教授,硕士生导师
2011.07-2014.09 西藏大学农牧学院,讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金,32260415,热激转录因子基因RsHSFA3和RsHSFC1调控映山红耐热性的分子机理研究,2023/01-2026/12,主持,在研;
(2) 国家自然科学基金,31960320,青藏高原特有种砂生槐的遗传多样性研究与核心种质构建,2020/01-2023/12,主持,在研;
(3) 国家自然科学基金,31260189,西藏砂生槐DREB转录因子基因克隆及抗旱功能研究,2013/01-2016/12,主持,结题;
(4) 贵州省基础研究计划重点项目,黔科合基础-ZK[2023]重点010,马缨杜鹃雄蕊发育相关Agamous基因筛选与功能研究,2023/01-2026/12,主持,在研;
(6) raybet最佳电子竞技平台引进人才科研项目,贵大人基合字(2016)043号,贵州百里杜鹃林4个杜鹃属优势种叶绿体全基因组解析,2017/01-2019/12,主持,结题;
(1) Yang Lan & Li Huie*. Projecting the potential distribution and analyzing the bioclimatic factors of four Rhododendron subsect. Tsutsusispecies under climate warming.Journal of Forestry Research, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s11676-023-01626-1.
(2) Li Huie, Guo Qiqiang, Xu Lei*, Gao Haidong, Liu Lei, Zhou Xiangyang. CPJSdraw: Analysis and visualization of junction sites of chloroplast genomes. PeerJ, 2023, 11: e15326.
(3) Dong Rui, Guo Qiqiang, Li Huie*, Li Jiangrong, Zuo Weiwei, Long Cha. Estimation of morphological variation in seed traits of Sophora moorcroftiana using digital image analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1185393.
(4) Long Fenfang, Wu Hairong, Li Huie*, Zuo Weiwei, Ao Qian. Genome-wide analysis of MYB transcription factors and screening of MYBs involved in the red color formation in Rhododendron delavayi. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2023, 24, 4641.
(5) Wu Hairong, Ao Qian, Li Huie*, Long Fenfang. Rapid and efficient regeneration of Rhododendron decorum from flower buds. Horticulturae, 2023, 9, 264.
(6) Li Huie*, Tang Yongfeng, Zhu Song, Luo Xiuyin. Growth, photosynthetic and biochemical responses of Rhododendron delavayi Franch seedlings irrigated with different pH solutions. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2023, 55(1): 91-98.
(7) Li Huie, Guo Qiqiang*, Yang Lan, Quan Hong, Wang Shuli. Seasonal eco-physiology characteristics of four evergreen Rhododendron species to the subalpine habitats. Forests, 2022, 13, 653.
(8) Yang Lan, Li Qian, Guo Qiqiang, Zhang Yanfu, Li Huie*. Anthocyanin-related compounds during flower coloration of Sophora moorcroftiana. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 2022, 87 (3), 1-9.
(9) Guo Qiqiang, Li Huie*, Zheng Weilie*, Pan Jinwen, Lu Jie, Li Jiangrong, Zheng Yu. Analysis of genetic diversity and prediction of Larix species distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11676-022-01513-1
(10) Li Qian, Li Huie*, Yang Lan, Guo Qiqiang, Fu Yaru, Huang Jiayong. Asymmetric hybridization origin of Rhododendron agastum (Ericaceae) in Guizhou, China. Phytotaxa,2021,510 (3): 197-212.
(11) Li Huie, Hu Yang, Gao Chao*, Guo Qiqiang, Deng Quanen, Nan Hong, Yang Lan, Wei Hongli, Qiu Jie, Yang Lu. Integrated SMRT technology with UMI RNA-seq reveals the hub genes in stamen petalody in Camellia oleifera. Forests, 2021, 12, 749.
(12) Yang Lan, Li Huie*, Li Qian, Guo Qiqiang, Li Jiangrong. Genetic diversity analysis and potential distribution prediction of Sophora moorcroftiana endemic to Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Forests, 2021, 12, 1106.
(13) Li Huie*, Guo Qiqiang, Li Qian, Yang Lan. Long-reads reveal that Rhododendron delavayi plastid genome contains extensive repeat sequences, and recombination exists among plastid genomes of photosynthetic Ericaceae. 2020, PeerJ, 8, e9048.
(14) Guo Qiqiang, Yang Rui, Li Huie*. Genetic diversity and structure of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum populations in the Tibetan region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2020, 52(6): 2087-2093.
(15) Li Huie*, Yang Lan, Li Qian, Li Jiangrong. Completed plastome sequence of Sophora moorcroftiana, an endemic shrub to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2019, 4: 2, 4182-4183.
(16) Fu Yaru, Li Shaoke, Guo Qiqiang, Zheng Weilie, Yang Rui, Li Huie*. Genetic diversity and population structure of two endemic Cupressus (Cupressaceae) species on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Genetics, 2019, 98, 14.
(17) Li Huie, Guo Qiqiang*, Zheng Weilie. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genomes of two sister species of Paeonia: genome structure and evolution. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2018, 10: 209-212.
(18) Li Huie, Fu Yaru, Sun Hao, Zhang Yanfu, Lan Xiaozhong*. Transcriptomic analyses reveal biosynthetic genes related to rosmarinic acid in Dracocephalum tanguticum. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 74.
(19) Li Huie*, Zhang Yanfu, Guo Qiqiang, Yao Weijie. Molecular characterization of a DREB gene from Sophora moorcroftiana, an endemic species of plateau. Protoplasma, 2017, 254:1735-1741.
(20) Fu Yaru, Yao Weijie, Li Shaoke, Li Huie*. Improvement of seed germination and in vitro, propagation of a multipurpose plateau shrub species Sophora moorcroftiana. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2016, 48(4): 1439-1445.
(21) Yao Weijie, Fu Yaru, Zhang Yanfu, Li Huie*. Cloning of four DREB genes from Tibetan Sophora moorcroftiana and analyzing their expression during abiotic stress. Journal of Forestry Research, 2016, 27: 675-683.
(22) Li Huie, Guo Qiqiang*. The complete chloroplast genome of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Berberidaceae), Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2016, 27(4): 2955-2956
(23) Li Huie, Guo Qiqiang, Zheng Weilie*. The complete chloroplast genome of Cupressus gigantea, an endemic conifer species to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2016, 27(5): 3743-3744
(24) Li Huie, Yao Weijie, Fu Yaru, Li Shaoke, Guo Qiqiang*. De novo assembly and discovery of genes that are involved in drought tolerance in Tibetan Sophora moorcroftiana. Plos One, 2015, 10(1), e111054.
(25) Li Huie*, Guo Qiqiang, Lan Xiaozhong, Zhou Qi, Wei Na. Comparative expression analysis of five WRKY genes from Tibetan hulless barley under various abiotic stresses between drought resistant and sensitive genotype. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2014, 36: 963-973.
(26) Li Shaoke, Qian Zengqiang, Fu Yaru, Zheng Weilie, Li Huie*. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites in the Tibetan cypress Cupressus gigantea using paired-end Illumina shotgun sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2014, 6: 795-797.
(27) Hou H.M.#. Li H.E.#, Gao M., Wang H., Jiao C., Wang X.P.*. Expression of a GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase-like gene in a Chinese wild Vitis species induces responses to Erysiphe necator and defense signaling molecules. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013, 12(3): 3830-3844.
(28) Li Huie, Xu Yan, Xiao Yu, Zhu Ziguo, Xie Xiaoqing, Zhao Heqing, Wang Yuejin*. Expression and functional analysis of two genes encoding transcription factors, VpWRKY1 and VpWRKY2, isolated from Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticulata. Planta, 232: 1325-1337, 2010.
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