2007.09-2011.07:云南农业大学, 园艺学, 学士学位
2011.09-2015.07:西北农林科技大学, 园艺植物种质资源学, 硕士学位
2013.01-2013.02:挪威国家农科院, 硕士课程学习
2016.10-2018.10:日本京都大学, 蔬菜学, 联合培养博士-特别研究生
2015.09-2019.06: 西北农林科技大学; 蔬菜学; 博士学位
2019.09- 2022.12: raybet最佳电子竞技平台; raybet官网; 蔬菜教研室讲师
2023.1- : raybet最佳电子竞技平台; raybet官网; 蔬菜教研室副教授
(1)2020-2023,褪黑素调控萝卜衰老新机制,贵大人基合字[2019]69 号,3.5 万;
(2)2020-2023,抗/感型萝卜与根肿菌互作的代谢组研究,贵大培育[2019]41 号,6 万。
(3)贵州省科技厅,重大专项子课题,黔科合重大专项字[2019]3014 号-2,"农业 4.0(贵州高海拔 500 亩坝区蔬菜)技术集成与示范应用"子课题"贵州高海拔500 亩以上坝区'三白'蔬菜绿色防控和水肥药一体化技术集成与示范",2010-01 至 2020-12,275 万元,在研,共同主持
(4):国家自然科学基金,番茄基于 DNA-free 基因编辑 技 术 的 2 种 类 病 毒 抑 制 和 脱 毒 的 机 理 研 究 ,32102396,2022 年 1 月-2024.12 月, 30 万,在研
(5)李经纬:褪黑素影响萝卜与链格孢菌互作的功能研,10 万周期:2021.1.1-2024.1.1,黔科合基础-ZK 【2021】一般 153 等级:贵州省科学技术厅贵州省科技计划项目
1.Li JW, Wang B, Song XM, Wang RR, Chen L, Zhang H, Zhang ZB, Wang QC 2013. Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) influence vegetative growth,physiological metabolism, and microtuber production of in vitro-grown shoots of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) . Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 114:313-324.
2. Wang B, Li JW, Zhang ZB, Wang RR, Ma YL, Blystad DR, Keller ERJ, Wang QC. 2014. Three vitrification-based cryopreservation procedures cause different cryo-injuries to potato shoot tips while all maintain genetic integrity in regenerants. Journal of Biotechnology 184: 47–55.
3. Li JW, Li HH, Wang RR, Gao XX, Wang QC. 2016. Cryopreservation for retaining morphology, genetic integrity, and foreign genes in transgenic plants of Torenia fournieri. Acta physiologiae plantarum 38:8.
4. Li JW, Chen HY, Li XY, Zhang ZB, Blystad DR, Wang QC. 2016. Cryopreservation and evaluations of vegetative growth, microtuber production and genetic stability in regenerants of purple-fleshed potato. Plant cell tissue and organ culture 128:641–653.
5. Li JW, Ozudogru EA, Li J, Wang MR, Bi WL, Lambardi M, Wang QC. 2017. Cryobiotechnology of forest trees: recent advances and future prospects. Biodiversity and conservation 27: 795-814.
6. Li JW, Chen HY, Zhang ZB, Blystad DR, Wang QC. 2018. Growth, microtuber production and physiological metabolism in virus-free and virus-infected potato in vitro plantlets grown under NaCl-induced salt stress. European Journal of Plant Pathology. Scientia horticulturae, 224(26):1~9.
7. Li JW, Hosokawa M, Nabeshima T, Motoki Ko, Yamada H, Wang QC. 2018. Cryopreservation of viroid-infected chrysanthemum shoot tips. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 152:417~432.
8. Li JW, Wang MR, Chen HY, Zhao L, Cui ZH, Zhang ZB, Blystad DR, Wang QC. 2019. Long-term preservation of potato leafroll virus, potato virus S and potato spindle tuber viroid in cryopreserved shoot tips. Plant methods, 15:125.
9. Li JW, Zhang XC, Wang MR, Bi WL, Faisal M, Teixeira da Silva JA, Volk GM, Wang QC. 2019. Development, progress and future prospects in cryobiotechnology of Lilium spp. Plant methods, 15:125.
10. Xia M and Li JW. 2021. Analysis on the establishment of efficient cryopreservation technology for chrysanthemum stem tip explants. Molecular Plant Breeding. 19(11): 9. (In Chinese)
11. Li JW, Xia M, Huang TM, Zu GD, Lu FL, Qu LW, Zhang WP. 2022. Effects of melatonin on the interaction between radish and Alternaria brassicae based on Dual RNA-seq analysis. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Science 36(9): 1775-1788.
12. Li JW, Xu XH, Huang TM, Tian H, Zhang WP. 2022. In Vitro Techniques for Shipping of Micropropagated Plant Materials. Horticulturae, 8: 609.
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