姓 名:朱永超
性 别:男
职 称:讲师
系 别:园艺系
邮 箱:yczhu@gzu.edu.cn
2016.9 - 2020.3 浙江大学 博士
2012.9 - 2015.6 甘肃农业大学 硕士
2008.9 - 2012.6 甘肃农业大学 学士
2020.12-至今 raybet最佳电子竞技平台讲师
现为Horticulturae杂志客座编辑,Postharvest Biology Technology、AoB Plants和Frontiers in Plant Science期刊审稿人。
2、贵州省科学基金一般项目,脂质在温度影响李果实衰老中的作用机制研究, 2022/4-2025/3
5、国家自然科学基金, ERFs与脂质代谢基因在桃果实采后冷害发生与调控中的作用及其机制研究,2018/1-2021/12。
1、Zhu YC, Du M, Jiang XP, Huang M, Zhao J. Nitric oxide acts as an inhibitor of postharvest senescence in horticultural products. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 11512.
2、Zhu YC, Wang K, Wu CX, Hao YT, Zhang B, Grierson D, Chen SK, Xu CJ. DNA hypermethylation associated with the development of temperature-dependent postharvest chilling injury in peach fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021, 181, 111645.
3、Zhu YC, Zhang B, Allan AC, Lin-Wang K, Zhao Y, Wang K, Chen KS, Xu CJ. DNA demethylation is involved in the regulation of temperature-dependent anthocyanin accumulation in peach. The Plant Journal, 2020, 102, 965-976.
4、Zhu YC, Wang K, Wu CX, Zhao Y, Yin XR, Zhang B, Grierson D, Chen KS, Xu CJ. Effect of ethylene on cell wall and lipid metabolism during alleviation of postharvest chilling injury in peach. Cells, 2019, 8(12): 1612.
5、Zhu YC, Liao WB, Niu LJ, Wang M, Ma ZJ. Nitric oxide is involved in hydrogen gas-induced cell cycle activation during adventitious root development in cucumber. BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 16(1): 146.
6、Zhu YC, Liao WB, Niu LJ, Wang M, Xu QQ, Wang M, Jin X. Nitric oxide is required for hydrogen gas-induced adventitious root development in cucumber. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016, 195: 50-58.
7、Zhu YC, Liao WB. The metabolic constituent and rooting-related enzymes response of marigold explants to hydrogen gas during adventitious root development. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 2017, 6: 1-9.
8、Zhu YC, Liao WB. A positive role for hydrogen gas in adventitious root development. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2016, 11 (6): 50-58.
9、朱永超, 李彬, 廖伟彪. 3种生长素对蓝叶忍冬枝条扦插生根的影响. 草业科学, 2016, 33: 61-66.
1、Zhao Y, Dong WQ, Zhu YC, Allan AC, Wang KL, Xu CJ. PpGST1, an anthocyanin-related glutathione S-transferase gene, is essential for fruit coloration in peach. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 18: 1284-1295.
2、Niu LJ, Li B, Liao WB, Zhu YC, Wang M, Jin X, Xu QQ. Effect of nitric oxide on dormancy release in bulbs of Oriental lily (Lilium orientalis) ‘Siberia’. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2015, 90: 594-598.
3、Wang M, Li B, Zhu YC, Niu LJ, Xu QQ, Liao WB. Effect of exogenous nitric oxide on vegetative and reproductive growth of Oriental Lily ‘Siberia’. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology. 2015, 56: 677-686.
4、Li XP, Liao WB, Xu QQ, Xu XT, Wang M, Ren PJ, Niu LJ, Jin X, Zhu YC, Ma ZJ. Hydrogen peroxide is involved in abscisic acid-induced adventitious rooting in cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) under drought stress. Journal of Plant Biology, 2016, 59: 536-548.
5、Xu XT, Jin X, Liao WB, Dawuda, M, Li XP, Wang M, Niu LJ, Ren PJ, Zhu YC. Nitric oxide is involved in ethylene-induced adventitious root development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) explants. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 215: 65-71.
6、Ren PJ, Liao WB, Jin X, Wang M, Niu LJ, Li XP, Xu XT, Zhu YC. Effects of hydrogen-rich water on vase life and quality of cut lily and rose flowers. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 2016, 58(6): 576-584.
7、金鑫, 李彬, 牛丽涓, 王萌, 朱永超, 徐晴晴, 肖洪浪, 廖伟彪. 低温和赤霉素对百合鳞茎休眠解除的影响. 中国沙漠. 2016, 36 (5).
8、王萌, 李彬, 朱永超, 牛丽涓, 金鑫, 徐晴晴, 廖伟彪. 3种生长素对金叶接骨木和胶东卫矛扦插生根的影响. 中国观赏园艺研究进展2015 (2015).
9、廖伟彪, 朱永超. 基于网络的“花卉学”虚拟实验教学平台的应用. 河北农业大学学报 (农林教育版), 2016, 1: 011.
10、王淑华, 王延秀, 陈佰鸿, 朱永超, 党兆霞. 两种杏的幼胚培养. 甘肃农业大学学报, 2015, 4: 29-73.
11、王丽梅, 胡琳莉, 朱永超, 董爱玲, 廖伟彪, 张国斌, 郁继华. 一氧化氮对弱光下小型大白菜幼苗生长及光合作用的影响. 西北植物学报, 2016, 36 (8): 1615-1622.
12、 王丽梅, 胡琳莉, 朱永超, 董爱玲, 王瑞东, 廖伟彪, 张国斌, 吕剑, 郁继华. 一氧化氮参与铵硝营养对弱光下娃娃菜幼苗生长及抗性的影响. 甘肃农业大学学报, 2017, 1: 68-73.
13、 任鹏举, 李雪萍, 徐晓婷, 王萌, 金鑫, 牛丽涓, 朱永超, 廖伟彪. 氢气对切花百合瓶插寿命和品质的影响. 甘肃农业大学学报, 2017, 1: 103-108.
朱永超(9/9),一氧化氮和过氧化氢在园艺植物生长发育中的调控功能研究,甘肃省高等学校科研优秀成果奖(自然科学),一等奖, 2016年。