姓 名:李荣玉
性 别:男
职 称:教授
系 别:植物保护系
邮 箱:ryli@gzu.edu.cn
(1) 2008-09至2014-12,raybet最佳电子竞技平台精细化工研究开发中心,农药学,硕博连读
(2) 2004-09至2008-06,河南省周口师范学院,化学,本科
(1) 2022-12至今,raybet最佳电子竞技平台,raybet官网,教授
(2) 2017-12至2022-12,raybet最佳电子竞技平台,raybet官网,副教授
(3) 2015-05至2017-12,raybet最佳电子竞技平台,raybet官网,讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会:lncRNA介导稻瘟病菌几丁质酶响应柠檬醛的调控分子机制,主持。
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:水稻稻瘟病协同控害的增效技术体系创建,主持。
3. 贵州省科技计划项目:茄科经济作物叶斑类病害病原菌快速可视化检测及绿色精准防控技术研究,主持。
1. Mo Feixu, Hu Xianfeng, Ding Yi, Li Rongyu*, Long Youhua, Li Ming*. Using
carboxymethyl cellulose and pectin to construct an enzyme-responsive magnolol-release film against plant pathogenic fungi[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 197: 116553.
2. Hu Xianfeng#, Wang Jian#, Wu Xiaomao, Gao Xiubing, Mo Feixu, Ding Yi, Li
Rongyu*, Li Ming*. Preparation and characterization of sustainable osthole@guar gum composite film and antifungal mechanism against Ustilaginoidea virens. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 185:115144.
3. Hu Xianfeng#,Wang Jian #, Li Rongyu*,Wu Xiaomao, Gao Xiubing, Li Ming*. Establishment of an artificial inoculation method of Ustilaginoidea virens without damaging the rice panicle sheaths. Plant Disease, 2022, 106(1):289-296.
4. Zhou Aiai, Li Rongyu*, Mo Feixu, Ding Yi, Li Ruotong, Guo Xue, Hu Ke, and Li Ming. Natural product citronellal can significantly disturb chitin synthesis and cell wall integrity in Magnaporthe oryzae, Journal of Fungi,2022, 8(12):1310.
5. Zhao Qijun, Ding Yi, Song Xingchen, Liu Shijiang, Li Ming, Li Rongyu*, Ruan Hongchun. Proteomic analysis reveals that naturally produced citral can significantly disturb physiological and metabolic processes in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2021, 175:104835.
6. Ming*. Naturally produced magnolol can significantly damage the plasma membrane of Rhizoctonia solani. Pesticide biochemistry and Physiology, 2021, 178:10492.
1. 2022年获raybet最佳电子竞技平台第三届教师教学创新大赛三等奖。
2. 2019年获raybet最佳电子竞技平台“优秀本科生导师”称号。
3. 2017年,获“raybet最佳电子竞技平台‘明德至善 博学笃行’优秀教师”。