姓 名:常志敏
性 别:女
职 称:副教授
系 别:植物保护系
邮 箱:cczzmm111@126.com
1. 蜡蝉总科分类及系统进化
2. 授粉昆虫蜜蜂、熊蜂等开发与利用
1. 中国林业害虫扁蜡蝉科分类订正及系统发育研究,国家自然科学基金,主持。
2. 释放蠋蝽后的田间定殖及保育技术研究,贵州省重大专项,主持。
3. 贵州省熊蜂野生资源昆虫调查及分类研究,贵州省科技计划基础项目,主持。
4. 贵州瓢蜡蝉雌性外生殖器研究及交配机制初探,贵州省科技计划联合项目,主持。
5. 中国瓢蜡蝉雌性外生殖器比较形态学研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持。
6. 贵州省扁蜡蝉昆虫物种多样性研究,贵州省教育厅青年科技成长项目,主持。
1. Ren Changshi, Chang Zhimin*, Zu Zhiyun, Han Lei, Chen Xiangsheng, Long Jiankun. Comparison of Morphological Characteristics of Antennae and Antennal Sensilla among Four Species of Bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insects, 2023, 14, 232. (SCI收录)
2. Ren Changshi, Chang Zhimin*, Han Lei, Chen Xiangsheng, Long Jiankun.Higher essential amino acid and crude protein contents in pollen accelerate the oviposition and colony foundation of Bombus breviceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insects 2023, 14, 203. (SCI收录)
3. Chang Zhimin, Yang Lin, Chen Xiangsheng*. Two new genera with species of the tribe Sarimini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China. ZooKeys, 2020, 956: 31-47. (SCI收录)
4. Chang Zhimin, Yang Lin, Chen Xiangsheng*. First records of the genera Sivaloka Distant, 1906, with two new species from China, and description of a new species of genus Kodaianella Fennah, 1956 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae). ZooKeys, 2020, 917: 85-104. (SCI收录)
5. Chang Zhimin, Yang Lin, Chen Xiangsheng*. A new genus Microsarimodes with one species from Hainan Province in China (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae). Zootaxa, 2019, 4688 (1): 135-143. (SCI收录)
6. Chang Zhimin, Yang Lin, Long Jiankun, Chen Xiangsheng*. Three new species of the planthopper genus Sinonissus Wang, Shi & Bourgoin, 2018 from southwest China (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae). ZooKeys, 2019, 870: 117-135. (SCI收录)
7. Chang Zhimin, Yang Lin, Long Jiankun, Chen Xiangsheng*. Three new species of the Chinese planthopper genus Tetricodes Fennah (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae, Parahiraciini), ZooKeys, 2017, 698: 1-15.(SCI收录)
8. Chang Zhimin, Yang Lin, Zhang Zhengguang, ChenXiangsheng*. Review of the genus Neotetricodes Zhang et Chen (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) with description of two new species. Zootaxa, 2015, 4057 (3): 340-352.(SCI收录)
9. Chang Zhimin, ChenXiangsheng*, MickWebb. Review of the planthopper genus Neodurium Fennah, 1956 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae). ZooKeys, 2015, 517: 83-97.(SCI收录)
10. Chang Zhimin, ChenXiangsheng*. A new genus of the tribe Eporini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) with description of three new species from Yunnan, China. Florida Entomologist, 2014, 97(4): 1602-1612.(SCI收录)
11. Chang Zhimin, ChenXiangsheng*. Reviews of the planthopper genus Ommatissus Fieber (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae) with descriptions of three new species from China. Zootaxa, 2014, 3856 (2 ): 241-252.(SCI收录)
12. Chang Zhimin, Zhang Zhengguang, Yang Lin, Chen Xiangsheng*. Reviews of the Chinse species of the genus Varma Distant (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Tropiduchidae), with description of two new species. ZooKeys, 2014, 417: 21-35. (SCI收录)
13. 赵金玉,龙见坤,David Tembong Cham,陈祥盛,常志敏*. 贵州省东方蜜蜂Apis cerana线粒体DNA遗传多样性研究. 环境昆虫学报,2022, 1-16.
14. 赵金玉,王哲哲,常志敏*. 贵州巨熊蜂亚属Megabombus种类及其访花植物调查. 山地生物学报(自然科学版),2021, 40(6), 11-19.
15. 王哲哲, 常志敏*. 胸熊蜂亚属Thoracobombus 3个种的形态比较. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 49 (2): 174-181.
16. 陈祥盛, 张争光, 常志敏. 中国瓢蜡蝉和短翅蜡蝉(半翅: 蜡蝉总科). 贵州贵阳:贵州科技出版社, 390千字, 2014. (专著)